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‘Unleash your creativity in Camera!’ Workshop (2nd Offering)

  • March 07, 2019
  • 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Marriott Hotel & Conference Center, 299 N Church Street, Spartanburg, SC


Led by Piper Mackay

Once most of us develop some of the basic skills of photography, exposure, focus, and depth of field, we begin traveling to exotic places, snapping away at what stirs our souls, but we soon find ourselves stagnating at this level. It seems so exciting when we are pointing our cameras at an exotic subject, clicking the shutter, getting the exposure correct, and taking a sharp photograph, but soon, you find that your images all start looking the same, somewhat mediocre, and your photography is not improving. The magic really begins when you learn how to make a creative image through manipulating your camera settings.

Known for her creative style, Piper will start this workshop off with a powerful slide show of compelling images created in camera by selecting different white balances, over and under exposing to create dramatic light and high key images, working with motion in a still image, and using multiple exposures. She will then work hands on with you to try all these techniques that can have great impact on elevating the style of your photography.

For details on annual meeting, click here.

Carolinas' Nature Photographers Association

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